Thursday, December 16, 2010


In my efforts to celebrate a simpler Christmas, I'm forced to think about what is really important. To me, it's a spirit of togetherness.

Even though we each individually go through struggles throughout the day, when we come home, we are together. We are a family - quirky, blended, imperfect and loving. We help each other, we teach each other and we irritate each other. But every day, each of us knows that they are loved.

One of the things I remember about Christmas as a child, is that my family always got along. For our dysfuncational relationships, that is about as "together" as you can get :)

My husband, Chris, has never been much for holidays. But I can see him slowly warming up to the "togetherness" of Christmas. Most activities I plan for us to do during December are all things I've done a million times. But not Chris and Brytin. And it is such a joy and a pleasure to see the happiness on their faces as they bond through some stereotypical (read: commercialized) Christmas activity that neither has ever done before.

And this year, even with my efforts to simplify Christmas, God built a tradition - gingerbread construction.

In 2009, the boys built a Gingerbread Christmas tree - a new experience for both.

And last night, the boys built a gingerbread house. I never intended to make gingerbread construction a tradition, it just happened, and that's the most beautiful way to build a tradition! (Big thanks to Brytin's teacher, Mrs. Ventura, for the idea and supplies!)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pea in a Pod

To my dearest pea in the pod:

I love you. And for some reason, this silly little ornament symbolizing your growing in my belly, makes me the happiest pregnant woman in the world this Christmas.

The Broussard family is so blessed with your almost presence. I rub my belly constantly, hoping you can feel the hugs I long to give to you.

Chris stares at your ultrasound picture every day - I can see the pride swelling in his eyes everytime I tell him how much you two look alike!

And Brytin, man, Brytin couldn't be happier. He asks me every day what you are growing (this week, it's nostrils). He rubs my belly, he tells me how big my legs are, he asks what tasks he gets to do for are very blessed, Baby Broussard, to have Brytin for a big brother.

I now understand why God used a baby to change the world.

You've changed my life, Baby - my heart, soul and mind. I'm so thankful for you this Christmas.

I have NO idea where you get your buddha belly, but it definitely helps explain my buddha belly!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ice Skating in Alpine

The Broussards went to the Skating Rink in Alpine and had a BLAST!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Random Side Effects of Pregnancy

It is amazing to me the crazy things that can (and do) happen to a woman's body during pregnancy. Millions of books have been written, articles posted, and probably thousands of hours have been spent talking to other moms about the side effects of making a baby.

I personally have been plagued with a few things:

Carpal Tunnel - my right hand has been numb since Thanksgiving!
Costochondritis - apparently very common
Snoring (This doesn't bother me, but my husband says it keeps him up at night - I think he's just looking for some attention!)

I have been using Tiger Balm on my hands to decrease the pain, swelling, numbness, etc.

I have been using Vicks VapoRub on my ribs to try to decrease the inflammation.

I have been sleeping mildly upright to avoid sleeping on my hands and hopefully snore less.

I would write more, but it hurts a LOT to type. Maybe after the baby is born, I can recount for you my experience...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Birthday Time Again?!

I can't believe it has already been a YEAR since his last birthday!

Chris and I sang him "Happy Birthday" at breakfast. I like to make a big deal of his birthday in the morning :D

He grew 3 inches in one year!

At Brytin's request, we served his classmates donuts for his birthday treat.

He gave him a bunch of Legos for his presents, and we took him to Chuck E. Cheese. I can't believe he is six years old!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Finally! After years of trying to convince Brytin that Legos are the best thing since sliced bread, we finally just bought him some. And guess what? He LOVES them!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Love Being a Stay at Home Parent

I had hoped that this recession would change our country. I know that my way isn't necessarily the best way, but it is a pretty good gosh darn option.

I realize, of course, that the way we changed our family isn't the solution for everyone. I realize, of course, that not every woman wants to be a stay at home parent. I realize, of course, that not every family can make it work with one car and one motorcycle. And I realize, of course, that not every family is blessed to have two parents or a military paycheck with military benefits.

But in retrospect, me staying home was the best possible choice for our family. Rather than fretting about finding a new job in a HORRIBLE economy, I started focusing on our family. For the last year and a half, I have been available to Chris and to Brytin whenever they needed me. Chris could come home from a rough day at work and vent about it - or choose to forget about it all together and dive into whatever Brytin and I were mixed up with.

With me not fighting battles in the corporate world, the daily traffic and the constant need to be in at least two places at once, Chris and I didn't have to compete for who had the worst day. I could tend to the wounds the world gave him, allow him to relax and recooperate and help him off to face another battle the next day - renewed, refreshed and full strength.

At a very pivotal time in my stepson's life, I was there, every single day. From the time he was four-and-a-half to the present, I have been able to give him my undivided attention whenever he needs it. (Realize that does not mean he controls my time, but that when I see he needs attention/love/affection/discipline/whatever, I am able to be fully tuned in.) I was with him the entire summer before starting school, helping him understand that his life was changing. I was there to pick him up from Kinder every day and really truly listen to all the new experiences he wanted to share with me. And his first day of first grade, I was there to introduce him to his teacher, to help him remember his old friends and to encourage him to be the big boy he is :)

I am so thankful for a loving supporting husband who has allowed me this opportunity. I am so thankful that the downturned economy led me to this place. A stay-at-home parent is exactly who I was meant to be. I'm not perfect at it, but my family is better for it.

Somewhat biased, but rather interesting still is "Home Alone in America" by Mary Eberstadt. The book gives one woman's interpretation as to why our children are in the predicament they are in.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Leman: Day Five

This chapter in the book is mostly a review. I would like to just give you some of the one-line principles from the book.

Let reality be the teacher.

Respond rather than react – close your mouth, think and respond with action.

B does not happen until A is complete. No matter what, the family comes first, so if there is a problem at home, do not look at life outside the home until the problem is solved.

Your child’s behavior serves a purpose in his life. (He’s getting what he wants, isn’t he?)

If you want your child to trust you, you must ALWAYS follow through on what you say you will do.

Do not give any warnings. (This is to say, “You’re so stupid, I have to tell you twice.”)

Do not take over what she should be doing herself.

Do not think that misbehavior will go away. (Do not nag, but do not ignore things that do not fit into the big picture.)

At the final piece from “Have a New Kid by Friday,” by Dr. Leman that I think is important:

“Do not let your child control your mood. An explosion of anger is like throwing up all over your child. The release in tension might feel good temporarily, but look at what you have done to the child. (Page 85)”

The second half of the book is actually a reference manual. It lists certain behaviors/actions of children and Dr. Leman gives his opinion on how the parent should handle the situation. The second half is exactly why every parent should own this book!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Leman: Day Four

The “Thursday” chapter of “Have a New Kid by Friday” struck home the most for me.

This chapter explains the difference (and importance) between self-esteem and self-worth. And it explains the difference (and importance) between praise and encouragement.

According to Dr. Leman, self-esteem is “feeling good about myself (page 69.)” And praise “links a child’s worth to what he does.”

“It is easy to make a child feel good – give him everything he wants when he wants it. You’ll create the kind of child who feels good about himself because his parents always took care of everything for him – there were no bumps in the road. Be forewarned, Mom and Dad, you will be stuck in that role when the child is an adult and unable to step up to the plate.”

Double that with a parent who continually praises their child’s good acts, and you’ve got one big fat mess.

Most of the time, praise is false or at least exaggerated to make them feel good. “It’s never a good idea to associate ‘goodness’ or ‘cuteness’ with how a child does a certain task. If the child did that task badly, would that make him bad or ugly?”

To a child, linking his worth to what he does translates as, “If I don’t do something ‘good’ all the time, then I’m not worth anything.”

“Feeling good is a temporary thing. It is based on feelings that change from moment to moment. (Page 71.)”

And truthfully, I am mildly concerned that I may be doing this to my most amazingly awesome sweet smart stellar boy. Not that my praise is false, but that I’ve associated good works with worth…

So what should I be doing?

True self-worth, according to Dr. Leman, is developed thru experiences that teach responsibility and accountability. It is based on acceptance, belonging and competence.

Encouragement (rather than praise) emphasizes the act, not the person, thus encouraging the person to continue make good choices.

For example, instead of saying, “You’re such a good boy! You got an ‘A’ in math; that is just wonderful!”

Try: “You earned an ‘A’ in Math! I know you have been working really hard in that area and it has definitely paid off!”

The difference is so subtle. But if the first leads my son to think he is only worth something when he feels good or when he does good, I definitely want to learn to encourage rather than praise. I definitely want to develop his self-worth rather than his self-esteem.

Children want to be accepted by their parents.
Children want to belong to a family.
Children want to have competence.

How can I help my son accomplish these things?
1. Make my expectations clear.
2. Expect the best.
3. Never do for him what he can and should do for himself.
4. Do not repeat my instructions (because it implies I think he is stupid).
5. Do not praise, encourage him.

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Leman: Day Three

Now that you can understand a little better why your child acts like a buffoon, now that you can picture what exactly you are looking for in your child’s attitude, behavior and character, now you are ready to see why it is important to change you.

Many parents don’t realize that the child’s goal is to please the parent. Your child wants a relationship with you, not a friendship, but a partnership that leads to developing a human that has a healthy respect for his self and others. They don’t want to be bullied into submission. They want your guidance, but they want to you to help them develop into an independent thinker. Being happy all the time isn’t real life – it’s Disneyland. And if you lead your child to believe that real life is like Disneyland, you are doing him a great disservice, and probably going to end up with an adult child living with you…

On the opposite end of the spectrum, of course, is the parent who is never happy with their child. Eventually, your child will give up trying to please you…Thankfully, if you stop nagging/complaining/yelling/etc, it is very easy for the child to return to wanting to please you.

My most favorite line in the book came on page 54: “What your child thinks of you at this particular moment is not necessarily what they will think about you for life.” The author doesn’t go into great detail about this weighty line, but does say “If you are calm, you are consistent, and you always do what you say you are going to, you will earn their respect and trust.”

If you are not an adult your child can trust, there will not be a connection. If there is not a connection, you cannot be surprised when a toddler embarrasses you in a grocery store or a teenager listens to an iPod at dinner or an adult child never calls…

If you have the end in mind (10, 15, 20 years down the road), it is easier to decide what to address in your child now. Find the things that do not fit into the big picture and address those.

And this is where I encourage you to buy the book (or rent it from the library). The book has so many great tips and details and insights that I cannot possibly lay out for you. Please, if you have ever wanted to pull your hair out because your child is ridiculous, please read this book.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Leman: Day Two

“Rolling of eyes, talking back, stubbornness, poor manners, being a know-it-all, whining, the ‘me, me, me’ syndrome, defiance, throwing a tantrum, choosing not to cooperate with family members, showing disrespect, etc. Where does all this attitude come from?"

In his first hint that his book is really about changing YOU, Dr. Leman points out that “the key to changing your child’s attitude is changing your attitude. (Page 39) Attitudes are caught, not taught.”

Dr. Leman explains that character is the foundation for attitude and behavior. “Character is taught through life lessons. Good and negative characteristics need to be addressed. Character is who you are when no one is looking. (Page 46)”

“Does your child have good character? Is your child respectful of you, of others in the family and outside the family – including teachers – and of your faith? Does your child have good phone manners? Does he tell the truth? Is he self-motivated to do homework (or does he wait for you to jump-start him)? Does he care about being on time? Is he bothered when others cheat on a test, or does that seem ‘normal’ to him? Is a ‘gimme gimme’ kid who has a Christmas list the length of the expressway? Is your child kind? Does he stick up for others smaller or weaker than himself on the playground, or is he the bully? Is he respectful of his sibling’s special things? Does your child take no for a no or push until he gets what he wants? Does he use language that your grandmother would approve of? Is he the kind of young man you would hire to work for your company?”

If not, Dr. Leman suggests letting reality be the teacher. “Let nature take its course. When nature doesn’t take care of the problem, you help nature along. Do not rescue kids from the consequences of failed responsibility. (Page 48) Warning: parents have a tendency to rub their child’s nose in what he does wrong. In most cases, letting reality be the teacher is enough discipline in itself.”

Besides “Reality Discipline,” Dr. Leman offers two additional strategies for successful development of good character:
Respond rather than react. (For clarification, consider the differences in these two sentences: “You’ve reacted to the medicine I prescribed.” versus “You’ve responded to the medicine I prescribed.”)
B doesn’t happen until A is completed. If child does not do whatever you told him to do, you do not do whatever he requests of you.

All three strategies are profound, important and at the same time E-A-S-Y to integrate into your daily life.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Leman: Day One

As promised, here is Day One of Dr. Leman's 5-day plan:

On Monday, you gain an understanding of why your child acts the way he does. Hint: everything a child does is for attention. Their brains do not care if the attention is positive or negative. Children inherently think, “I only count when people notice me.”

On page 32, I learned a great response to behavior I do not like. “Do you need some attention today? If you need a hug, all you have to do is say so. Just come over and ask for a hug. You do not have to (fill in the blank) to get attention. That kind of behavior is not acceptable.” By responding to a child’s misbehavior in this way, you let him know that “you know exactly what happened and why he did it. You are in control, not him. So, he does not have a reason to do it the next time.”

Another helpful point in this chapter is to “say your words only once. Expect your words to be heeded. There is no backtalk, no argument. You mean what you say, say what you mean, and now your child must obey.”

A lot of times in the book, Dr. Leman points out that the underlying message in some of the choices we make as parents implies that we think our children our stupid. When we say things to them more than once, it reads, “You’re so stupid, I have to tell you twice.” Are you doing things that are actually condescending to your child?

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Leman

“Have a New Kid by Friday” is a five-day manual on how to be a better parent. It sells itself as a quick scheme on how to change your children - a line that many are willing to buy into and then get schnookered into changing themselves :)

To the unsuspecting individual, this is not obvious until the epilogue when the author begins his diatribe on the natural tendency of humans to WATCH other humans.

“Your children learn how to live life by watching you. How do you cope with anger, sadness, and disappointment? How do you prioritize? How do you treat others and yourself? Intimidating? Yes, but all together stimulating, too.” You see, until we are the type of parents we want to be, our children cannot be the type of people we want them to be.

In his book, Dr. Leman, bases his entire strategy on the assumption that our children act the way they do, because we as adults have chosen to be friends rather than parents.

From page 26, “Today’s parents often do not act like parents. They are so concerned about being their child’s friend, about not wounding their psyche, about making sure their child is happy and successful, that they fail in their most important role: to be a parent. They snowplow the road, smoothing all the bumps so their child never has to be uncomfortable. And why should he? He is used to having things done for him. Mom and Dad have become servants, doing the whims of the children; rather than parents who have the child’s long-term best in mind…Today’s children are held accountable less and less and have fewer responsibilities. To them, family is not about what you can give, but what you can get.”

His solution is simple: hold everyone in the household accountable for their choices.
“Nothing in life is a free ride. The sooner children learn that the better. Every person is accountable, regardless of age, for what comes out of their mouth. And homes should be based on cornerstones of mutual respect, love and accountability. There is no entitlement. If you allow your children to feel entitled, you’ll create children who think they’re in the driver’s seat of life’s car. Children who think their happiness is what is most important in life and that they are ‘entitled’ not only to what they want, but anything and everything they want – when they want it. (Page 18)”

Dr. Leman sets out a five-day plan for changing your child’s attitude, behavior and character. This plan changes how you parent into a method that encourages a deeper, truer relationship with your child on a level that is consistent and respectful.

Over the next few days, I will review the five-day plan.

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five

Saturday, October 9, 2010

California Budget for K-12 Public Education

$47 billion sounds like a lot, right?

Does it sound like a lot when you realize there are almost 10,000 schools?

Does it sound like a lot when you realize there are almost 6 million students?

The budget that was passed for California this year includes $47 billion for K-12 Public Education. That totals $4.7 million per school. That totals $7800 per student.

The national average spending per student is $10,259 (The OC Register). That means that in 2010, California falls short by $2500 per student.

At Loma, that shortfall is seen in our lack of technology. That shortfall is seen in our lack of programs like art, music and physical education. Thankfully, Loma teachers are so amazing, the students have NO idea they are lacking in any area of their education.

There are thousands of things I could tell you about the atrocities our schoolchildren face at the hands of politicians, but I would rather you see for yourself.

I encourage you to take a look at the California Education Data website. There is a plethora of data to help you see the dire state of affairs in California public education.

Another website you can check out is Protect Our Students. It provides data and links to current events affecting our California Schools.

The California PTA website also has a lot of helpful information. Including, but not limited to, current information on the political landscape affecting our children.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Are you friend or parent?


Brytin and I went through some growing pains earlier this school year and I picked up a bunch of stepparenting books that I thought would solve the household's problems.

Of course, it was just a phase and all is well now, but I still learned a few things from the books.

From "7 steps to bonding with your stepchild" by Suzen J. Ziegahn, I read this little gem that I want to share with you.

Pages 25 and 26:

"One of the best ways to build rapport with your stepchild is to balance being a friend with being an additional parent. As you may be thinking, there is an incredibly fine line between the two roles. If you act only as a parent, you may create a wall between you and your stepchild; he will see you only as an authority figure and resist any efforts on your part to socialize with him. But how do you be a parent and a friend? Well, interestingly, this is easier to accomplish in the stepparent role.

"As a stepparent, you will participate in raising your stepchildren, and the stepchildren need to recognize this.But you also have an opportunity to be a companion, mentor, and friend to your stepchild outside of the parenting role. How? Even though you are an additional parent to them, you are still different from his biological parents. And when children need to confide in someone, often they will not confide in their parents, for any number of reasons. They see their parents as just that - their parents, and fail to see individual character qualities that other people see. For example, your own father or mother may be a wonderful listener, but would you have realized that when you were growing up? Probably not.

"Your stepchildren see you as an adult, outside of the parental definition of adults, which to children doesn't exist I(parents are not adult, they are parents). If you approach your stepchildren correctly, you can be both the disciplinarian/parent and someone they respect enough to confide in and share important details of their lives with. So, put on your best diplomatic face, and be stepchild-friendly. This will increase the chance of a successful relationship. Plus there is always the possibility that your stepchild likes you, admires you, and would like to be friends with you. Getting your stepchild to like you as a person, a separate individual from his biological parent, will allow your stepchild to see your strengths and weaknesses. It will encourage your stepchild to make conscious choices about relationships with other adults he chooses to spend time with, and chooses as a mentor for his own life."

For many reasons, Brytin and I have a unique non-biological relationship, but it still fits that I get to be his friend :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh, Baby!

My trip to Hawaii brought home a souvenir - a pregnancy!

The GREAT news is that a baby means I'll get to stay at Loma Elementary for another five years (hence the name change to "Elementary Escapades")! Go Leopards!

Brytin is very excited for the pending baby arrival.

He saw a breastfeeding video with me...he became very worried. "The baby isn't going to get confused and try to get food from ME is he?!!"

We don't know if it is a boy or a girl, and hopefully won't know until it is born. In the interim, I say him/her interchangably. I refer to "cupcake" or "muffin" or even Baby Bruce (Broussard).

If you haven't noticed already, scatterbrained is my biggest symptom. ("Pregnancy Stupids" as Jenny McCarthy calls them.)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

NFL Spirit Week

In an effort to win Loma $10,000 this awesome momma put together an NFL Spirit Week loaded with fun activities for the students.

Back to Football Friday

NFL Spirit Week at Loma started with Training Camp on Sept 10. Kids ran through tires and competed in speed drills. During recess Monday through Thursday we helped the kids compete in a football toss and a football kick competition. Kids who wore jerseys throughout the week stuck pins in a map in lunchroom showing where their favorite team plays. Each grade had a football trivia contest, a football math worksheet and a healty living poster contest to work on in their own time. The week concluded with an End Zone Dance Competition and a tailgating party.

Training Camp: Tire Run

Poster Contest: Healthy Living

How Far Can You Throw?

Geography via Football

Human Spelling of NFL (sort of)

Clinic: Throwing and Kicking

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Summer is Over


I haven't seen Brytin since 8 am on June 18.

Tomorrow I will load up Jax in the truck and drive to Missouri to pick his little butt up.

I plan to take him to the Grand Canyon on the way back.

I can't believe he is starting First Grade VERY soon (Aug 12).

There are so many awesome things the PTA has planned for this coming year!

Wow! I can't believe how quickly this summer passed. I can't believe I haven't seen my little boy for so long! I know he had an amazing time with his grandparents and his cousins. He even visited Mt. Rushmore! But I cannot wait to give him a HUGE hug!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Technology Distracts from Parenting

Please read this article.

Parenting While Texting


A thousand things have happened since my last blog. I'll update ya'll soon. I just wanted you to see this photo from last night. Brytin had his Kindergarten Celebration, so we got him all dressed up!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Our Vegetable Garden

Did I tell you about our garden? Well, there isn't really much to tell, but I did take some photos :)

I bought seed packets at the Dollar Tree. Each packet was only 25 cents. Never did I expect ANY food to actually grow...

At the end of April, the seedlings looked like this:

From left to right: Zucchini, Yellow Squash, lettuce, strawberries, broccolli and onions.

Five days later, we had our first strawberry harvest. (No illegals were hired for this harvest.)

In May, my husband made us beautiful gardens.

We had enough lettuce for dinner salads the third week of May.

We're still waiting on green beans, zucchini, squash, onions and plums. My luck, they will all become ready for harvest in July when no one is here to enjoy them!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bath Time

Chris has made Brytin take showers since he was a year old. But sometimes, like when Chris is working nights, I let Brytin take a bath.

I love it when he takes a bath, because I get to see his creativity in action. He has some boats and some Power Ranger action figures that he plays with. It is fun to watch him have fun in the water.

Lately, however, bath time has become even more special to me. The other night, he decided it was time for me to get "bath-tized," and he did so in the name of the Lord.

Also, he has taken to washing my arms for me. Why? I do not know, but he loves scrub-a-dubbing my arms and helping me get nice and clean.

He is such a sweet little boy. I appreciate every precious minute I get to spend with him.

Views from Mt. Helix

The pre-adventure adventures continued today. I took Brytin to Mt. Helix in La Mesa to see if that was a place my mom would enjoy. Mt. Helix is the mountain with the big white cross on the top. When we were traveling on the 125, I pointed out the cross to Brytin and told him that is where we were headed. He had fun trying to direct me towards it. "Oh, okay, well, get off the freeway and go towards the right."

Brytin and I had a great time walking on the path that goes around the mountain.

When we got to the top, where the cross is, I saw downtown in the distance. I pointed it out to Brytin, and my most intelligent little angel said, "Hey, yesterday we were on the other side of the city. I can see where we were yesterday!" (I know, I know, the picture isn't awesome. I'm really just trying to entice you to go to Helix yourself!)

Interestingly, we also got to see the backside of "our" mountain. "Our" mountain is really a big hill that's near us. We can see it from a lot of places in San Diego, so I use it to show Brytin where our home is from wherever we are. (We can tell which mountain it is, because it has radio towers on the top.)

Here's a pic of our mountain from our back porch:

At the Mt. Helix park, there is a huge amphitheatre. I've never heard of any concerts there, but it would fun to see one. Brytin wondered if church services are held there. Unfortunately, parking is extremely limited.

Looking towards El Cajon from the amphitheatre.

Another awesome adventure filled with amazing views and wonderful insight from a five-year-old!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cabrillo National Monument

Today Brytin and I took a pre-tour of Cabrillo National Park to see if it is a place we want to take my mom when she comes to visit. The answer? Definitely!

Though my mom will not be able to navigate the craggy rocks of the tide pool, the views from the peninsula of Point Loma are AMAZING (and worth way more than the $5 entry fee)!

Brytin and I had a lot of fun touring the rocky tidepools. I let him lead through the rocky cliffs (while constantly badgering him to BE CAREFUL - little boys are SERIOUS daredevils!)

Not sure what to make of the tidepool thing yet...

Oh, Barnacles!

Every nook and cranny was filled with shells. Brytin was a VERY good boy and did not take any of them - even the purple one I loved so much!

We saw many crabs, but I was unable to catch a photo of the speedy little buggers. Snails, on the other hand, were easy to shoot :)

This rock reminded me of stained glass. But it also looks like a tortoise shell.

A purple rock!!

Can you see the face?

A rock filled with holes ("Just like SpongeBob Squarepants," says Brytin).

Contemplating the intricacies of life (like father, like son).

Besides the tidepools, Cabrillo National Park also hosts the original lighthouse for San Diego. It is almost 100 years old, but was only in service for 33 years.

"Brytin, do you know what a lighthouse is?"

"Well, according to Scooby-Doo, it has a lot a lot a lot of stairs and a ladder, too!"

"You're right, it does. Do you know why the building has a light at the top?"

"So ships know where the land is when it is dark."

Who said Scooby-Doo doesn't teach kids anything?!!